Friday, March 2, 2012

Oly: Opening uniform showed Aussie free spirit: Davenport

AAP General News (Australia)
Oly: Opening uniform showed Aussie free spirit: Davenport

SYDNEY, Aug 14 AAP - The Australian athletes' Olympic opening-ceremony uniform showed
a spirit of freedom which indicated the Aussie way of life, respected fashion designer
Liz Davenport said today.

Davenport - previously a harsh critic of Olympic uniforms - was commenting on the bright
green garb, etched with large stars illustrated by a white outline.

While she applauded the team's bold new approach, she conceded many spectators would
not have liked the design.

"I was quite excited by Australia in their green. I thought it was vibrant and it has
a newness about it, a modern casual feel, which I thought was really great," she said.

"I think it's been a change in tradition, which is why some people won't have liked it.

"It is no longer steeped in formality but I think it is exciting and uplifting."

Ms Davenport said the large white stars, set against a vibrant green backdrop, were
indicative of Australia's carefree and fun loving outlook on life.

"It was a statement from Australia that we are a modern carefree country," she said.

"This uniform showed a freedom of spirit that is certainly Australian - even more so
than the Sydney Olympics."

The uniforms were designed for the heat of Athens, the casual stylishness of European
culture and the youthfulness of the 480-strong team, whose average age is just under 20.

AAP tr/sjb/sd


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