Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Govt needs to amend Work Choices legislation: Combet

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Govt needs to amend Work Choices legislation: Combet

The ACTU's demanding the federal government change workplace laws to make it illegal
to sack workers .. then re-employ them on lower pay .. as happened at Cowra abattoir.

Union delegates are meeting management today to finalise the employment situation of
29 slaughtermen.

The workers were sacked last week and asked to reapply for lower paying jobs as part
of a company restructure.

Workplace Relations Minister KEVIN ANDREWS yesterday announced the 29 workers would
be reinstated.

The union movement and Canberra are both claiming credit for the backdown .. with the
government insisting it proves the Work Choices legislation protects employees.

The ACTU says if the government should simply change the legislation .. no one can
be sacked .. then offered their job back for less pay.

AAP RTV smb/ag/hn/bart


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