Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: No increased terror threat in NSW, says premier

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: No increased terror threat in NSW, says premier

SYDNEY, Aug 11 AAP - There is no increased terror threat in NSW and residents should
go about their normal business, Premier Morris Iemma says.

British security agencies says they have foiled a plot by terrorists to blow up planes
flying between the UK and the United States.

Mr Iemma today said the terror threat level remained at medium, but extra security
measures were in place at Sydney Airport.

"To the people today, I say to go about your normal daily business," Mr Iemma said.

"You may, if you are flying out today, experience extra security measures and that
may cause some delays.

"I ask for understanding and patience in that."

Mr Iemma said security agencies would continue to monitor threat levels.

"Based on the intelligence at the moment, our security rating is medium which is the
same as post-Bali," he said.

"Discussions will continue throughout the day and our security level will be monitored."

Mr Iemma said government and security agencies had improved their ability to combat
terrorism in recent years, but could not guarantee there would never be a terrorist attack
in Australia.

He urged people travelling on public transport who noticed anything suspicious to notify

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