Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Main stories in today s Sydney newspapers = 3

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Main stories in today s Sydney newspapers = 3


Page 1: States and territories will have the right to refuse de facto couples access
to fertility treatment under proposed government changes. Two of Australia's best athletic
medal hopes were struck down by injury yesterday. There has not been any noise heard from
the sunken Russian submarine since Tuesday.

Page 2: Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has publicly warned China that harassment
of Falun Gong sect devotees in Australia is unacceptable.

Page 3: The Reserve Bank has signalled further interest rate rises.

World: Security on the East Timor border is at an all time high. British forces have
set sail to try to save 118 Russian sailors trapped in a sunken submarine.

Finance: Rupert Murdoch has been given a clean bill of health by doctors, declaring
he will remain in charge of News Corporation. Qantas Airways recorded its fifth consecutive
net profit, which sent its shares 5.5 per cent higher.

Sport: National Rugby League chief executive David Moffett has hit back at Parramatta
coach Brian Smith over his claim the game's administrators were turning fans into couch
potatoes. Olympic silver medallist Louise Currey's hopes of a medal were crushed after
she injured her knee yesterday.

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