Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Road toll soars in 24 hours

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Road toll soars in 24 hours

Six motorists are dead and a dozen injured in the worst 24 hours on New South Wales
roads since the start of the Operation Safe Arrival campaign.

The state's holiday road toll soared to 10 at 8am today (AEDT) with the deaths of a
woman and a teenaged girl in the state's south.

Overnight, four people were killed in three road accidents in the Upper Hunter, Wollongong
and Tamworth areas.

And with wet weather expecting to wreak further havoc on the roads, pleas from police
and ambulance officers have been made to motorists to drive safely.

One of the suggestions for drivers is to wipe 10km off the speed in the wet and make
the distance between one's own car and the one in front a little wider than usual.

The annual holiday safety campaign, which involves motorists losing double demerit
points for traffic offences, started on Christmas Eve and continues until January 7.

For the same period last year, 28 people died on the state's roads.

AAP RTV ls/sb/wz/jn


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