Friday, March 2, 2012

NSW: Sydney students to blockade admin meeting in protest

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sydney students to blockade admin meeting in protest

SYDNEY, April 5 AAP - About 100 students opposed to rising HECs fees plan to blockade
tonight's meeting of the Sydney University Senate.

National Union of Students (NUS) education officer Chris Friend said the university
recently announced a profit of $92 million in 2003 despite its plans to increase HECS

"It is outrageous that whilst Sydney University achieved a surplus of $92 million last
year, the University Senate still wishes to increase their HECS fees by the full 25 per
cent," Mr Friend said.

The NUS urged the university to use its profits to improve student support services
and resources.

Students Representative Council (SRC) spokeswoman Rose Jackson said students were angry
the university said financial difficulties were the main reason for demanding higher student

"The Senate has consistently ignored the concerns of students when making decisions
that directly affect their welfare.

"This cannot continue and we will make this perfectly clear in our action tonight," she said.

Tonight's protest follows a national day of action against rising course fees last
week which caused some ugly scenes in Melbourne.

About 100 students clashed with police before breaking away from a rally and rampaging
through the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) where they occupied the vice-Chancellor's
office for several hours.

Students also plan to rally in Melbourne again today over fees.

AAP ved/sd/maur/br


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